Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Northwest '07

Erica and I visited my family up in the Northwest (Oregon/Washington) region. While there we went on the Columbia River with my dad's new toy (boat), thought I broke my foot, met our newest nephew (Will) face-to-face, spent two days on the Oregon Coast (Rockaway Beach), saw The Bourne Ultimatum with my brother, went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory, and I practiced playing guitar on my sister, Cheronn's guitar.

Here are a few pictures from our trip:




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Meagan said...

Are you kidding? Of course we remember you! You were such an important part of the worship team and always someone I could count on - couldn't have done it with out you. So glad to see you are doing well and married too! Wow! Congrats to you both!

Thanks for stopping by and don't be a stranger!

Trav, Meg and Noah

Welcome! said...

sounds like quite a packed vacation...glad you didn't break your foot...wished we could have been there with John and Tracey....looked beautiful!
