Friday, April 25, 2008

Fresno State Faith Debate Round II decided to find bloggers who had reacted to the debate and post about it. They used my video and tried to represent a fair balance of news. However, the article leans heavier on the side of the Central Valley Alliance of Atheists and Skeptics. Why? Simply because Christians need to step up their blogging game. If they could find more out there...they would have used it, but this is all they got. Check out any part of the debate on their website by clicking here. (Hopefully they will change their reference to me from "she" to "he")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry sorry! I got it right this time. Check the site, you're a man again!

And yes, CVAAS has more online presence on this matter. They posted the video! But don't fret, you all are using twitter which I have as well so I'll be following that too from now on. If you know of any blogs in Fresno, any twitterers, just let me know! I'll be happy link to them.

I hope to bundle together all the online communities of Fresno on so that everyone will have a broader audience to tap into for this region.

Also, if there were any points of the debate left unspoken, you can use the forum on my site to express it!