Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Ministry Year

This Sunday, our church, New Harvest Church is starting our new ministry year. We've officially been at this assignment for 1 year! It's been amazing. When I first arrived here, I took a few months, tried a few things, but mostly watched for how things had been run. The ministry had been through some tough times, students were a little disillusioned because of their attachment to the previous two people in my post within a matter of months. I appreciate everything those men did for the ministry and I pray many blessings over what they are doing now.

We reached a point where it was clear that we needed to change things up, because the old ways weren't working well without the visionary of that model running things. Therefore we've been adopting and morphing a model of ministry which is completely compelling to me. In fact the entire church has been going through this change and process. Some of our staff attended a conference at North Point Community Church in Georgia last November. The conference is called DRIVE. It was amazing, life altering and completely freeing. The points shared and insights given at DRIVE gave us a new perspective. That perspective simply put is, "We are more committed to reaching people than keeping people."

This statement has raised questions and confusion. It has caused all of us to rethink and question our alignment with the church's mission. But I'm happy to say...the outcome is going to be amazing. God is truly working and he's molding us for a specific purpose in our community. Keep coming back for updates on what kinds of things come out of this.

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